Weekly Seminars for June 2016
Wednesday June 8th, 2016 - 4,00 pm
Aula Conversi (Physics Dept., Marconi Building, 1st Floor) 
Joint Astrophysics Seminar - ICRA and Department of Physics
Speaker: Prof. Roy Kerr

Institution: University of Christchurch (New Zeland), “Yevgeny Lifshitz chair” at ICRANet and ICRANet

Title: On the solution of a rotating Black Hole
Professor Roy Kerr returning from Stockholm where he was awarded the "Crafoord Award" by the King of Sweden is currently at the ICRANet Centers in Nice, Pescara and Rome.
N.B. - In the following link, you can find the official announcement on the Physics Department website: http://www.phys.uniroma1.it/fisica/sites/default/files/bollettini/bollettino06062016.pdf
La Segreteria ICRA
c/o Dipartimento di Fisica
Sapienza Università di Roma
P.le A. Moro, 5
I - 00185 ROMA, Italy
tel.: +39 06 4991 4 254
fax: +39 06 4454992
email: segreteria@icra.it