Weekly Seminars for Novermber 2014 |
Monday November 17th,
2014 - 4,00 pm
Aula 7 (Physics Dept., Fermi New Building, 4th Floor)
ICRA Seminar
Speaker: Prof. Thomas TAURIS
Institution: Astronomical Institute, University of Bonn (Germany) Title: Formation of Neutron Stars: Ultra-stripped SNe and other Hot Scenarios.
N.B. - In the following link, you can find the non official announcement on the Physics Department website:
La Segreteria ICRA
c/o Dipartimento di Fisica
Sapienza Università di Roma
P.le A. Moro, 5 I - 00185 ROMA, Italy tel.: +39 06 4991 4 254
email: segreteria@icra.it