Les Houches - Accomodation


There are 70 bedrooms in the school: they are single-rooms with toilet facilities; the accommodation costs are 365 € and include 3 meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are interested in booking one of them, please send to annapia.delbeato@icranet.org your name, surname, age and sex.

You can settle into your room from 6pm on Sunday evening; you should leave your room on Friday morning, after the breakfast.

When you arrive you will find information on your accommodation on the door of the main building (Jacassière).


A flashlight is handy at night; the school chalets are scattered on the mountainside and outside lights may be poor (power failures, storms, star parties).

Electricity: AC, 50Hz, 220V.

The internet wireless connection (currently 2 Mb/s) is available only in the main building, opened 24h.