Joint Call for Proposals "BRFFR - ICRANet - 2025"

brffr        ICRANet

Joint Call for Proposals
“BRFFR – ICRANet – 2025”

The Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR) and the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet) announce a call for proposals for joint basic research projects in relativistic astrophysics.

Scientific areas of the call:

• Relativistic astrophysics;
• Cosmology;
• Gravitation.

Joint applications from international research teams including Belarusian scientists must be submitted simultaneously using agreed application forms to both organizations: Belarusian team apply to the BRFFR, international ones - to ICRANet.

Duration of the projects is up to 2 years.

Deadline for applications: 5 of November 2024.

Detailed information is available on the websites of the BRFFR (in Russian) and ICRANet (in English).

Information for Belarusian scientists (in Russian):

Information for ICRANet Applicants:
Application form: here
General terms: here
