Weekly Seminars for March 2014 |
Wednesday March 19th,
2014 - 3,30 pm
ICRANet Pescara
(skype connection with "Sapienza" University of Rome)
ICRANet Seminar
Speaker: Prof. Débora Peres MENEZES
Institution: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Title: Stellar quark matter in magnetic fields and anisotropic effects.
Our aim is to investigate the importance of anisotropic effects in stellar matter subject to strong magnetic fields. For this purpose, we start by studying an ensemble of spin one-half particles in the presence of a homogenous background magnetic field. The magnetic field direction breaks spherical symmetry causing pressure anisotropy in the system. The inclusion of the anomalous magnetic moment increases the level of pressure anisotropy in the system.
Next, we use the MIT bag model to analyze different stages of magnetized quark star evolution. The first stages of the evolution are simulated through the inclusion of trapped neutrinos and fixed entropy per particle, while in the last stage the star is taken to be deleptonized and cold. Magnetic field effects, measured by the difference between the parallel and perpendicular pressures, are more pronounced in the beginning of the star evolution when there is a larger number of charged leptons and up quarks. We finally study magnetized hybrid stars built with a Maxwell construction from hadronic matter described by the non-linear Walecka model (GM1 parametrization) and quark matter described by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with and without vector interaction.
Icranet Secretariat
P.zza della Repubblica, 10
65122 Pescara (PE)