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Chaos in Astrophysical and Cosmological Problems Print E-mail

Recent review publications on chaos in astrophysics

  • Allahverdyan A.E., Gurzadyan V.G., Arrows of Time and Chaotic Properties of Cosmic Background Radiation, Journ.Phys. A 35, 7243-7254, 2002
  • Gurzadyan V.G., Chaotic Phenomena in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Lectures at the Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Eds. M. Novello, S. E. Perez Bergliaffa, AIP, p.108, 2003
  • Gurzadyan V. G., Kolmogorov Complexity, Cosmic Background Radiation and Irreversibility, The Physics of Communication, Proc. XXII Solvay Conference on Physics, World Sci., p.204, 2003
  • Gurzadyan V. G., A Physicist's view of Stellar Dynamics: dynamical instability of stellar systems, Talk at Joint Discussion 11, XXVth General Assembly of IAU (Sydney, July 2003), Highlights of Astronomy, vol.13,p.366, 2004
  • V. G. Gurzadyan, Kolmogorov Complexity, String Information, Panspermia and the Fermi Paradox, The Observatory, 125, 352, 2005; physics/0508010.
  • T. Ghahramanian, V. G. Gurzadyan, Chaos in Core-Halo Gravitating Systems, in: Proc. MG11 meeting (Berlin 2006), World Sci., 2007; astro-ph/0701491

Relevant recent publications

  • V.G. Gurzadyan, P.A.R. Ade, P. de Bernardis, C.L. Bianco, J.J. Bock, A. Boscaleri, B.P. Crill, G. De Troia, E. Hivon, V.V. Hristov, A.L. Kashin, A.E. Lange, S. Masi, P.D. Mauskopf, T. Montroy, P. Natoli, C.B. Netterfield, E. Pascale, F. Piacentini, G. Polenta, J. Ruhl, G.Yegorian, Is There a Common Origin for the WMAP Multipole and for the Ellipticity in BOOMERanG CMB maps? Mod.Phys.Lett. A, Vol. 20, No. 7, 491-498, (2005); astro-ph/0312305
  • V.G. Gurzadyan, P.A.R. Ade, P. de Bernardis, C.L. Bianco, J.J. Bock, A. Boscaleri, B.P. Crill, G. De Troia, E. Hivon, V.V. Hristov, A.L. Kashin, H.Kuloghlian, A.E. Lange, S. Masi, P.D. Mauskopf, T. Montroy, P. Natoli, C.B. Netterfield, E. Pascale, F. Piacentini, G. Polenta, J. Ruhl, G.Yegorian, WMAP Confirming the Ellipticity in BOOMERanG and COBE CMB maps; Nuovo Cimento, 118B, 1101, 2004; astro-ph/0402399
  • V.G.Gurzadyan, J.P.Bocquet, A.Kashin, A.Margarian, O.Bartalini, V.Bellini, M.Castoldi, A.D'Angelo, J.-P.Didelez, R.Di Salvo, A.Fantini, G.Gervino, F.Ghio, B.Girolami, A.Giusa, M.Guidal, E.Hourany, S.Knyazyan, V.Kouznetsov, R.Kunne, A.Lapik, P.Levi Sandri, A.Lleres, S.Mehrabyan, D.Moricciani, V.Nedorezov, C.Perrin, D.Rebreyend, G.Russo, N.Rudnev, C.Schaerf, M.-L.Sperduto, M.-C.Sutera, A.Turinge, Probing the Light Speed Anisotropy with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Dipole Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 20, (2005) pp. 19-28; astro-ph/0410742
  • V.G.Gurzadyan, P. de Bernardis, C.L.Bianco, G. De Troia, A.L.Kashin, H.Kuloghlian, S.Masi, F.Piacentini, G.Polenta, G.Yegorian, Elliptic CMB Sky, Mod.Phys.Lett. A, Vol. 20, No. 11 (2005) pp. 813-820; astro-ph/0503103
  • Gurzadyan V.G., A Physicist's view of Stellar Dynamics: dynamical instability of stellar systems, Talk given at JD11, IAU XXVth General Assembly, Highlights of Astronomy, vol.13, 366, 2004
  • V.G.Gurzadyan, C.L.Bianco, A.L.Kashin, H.Kuloghlian, G.Yegorian, Ellipticity in Cosmic Microwave Background as a Tracer of Large-Scale Universe, Phys. Lett. A, 363, 121, 2007; astro-ph/0607160
  • S.G. Djorgovski, V.G. Gurzadyan, Dark Energy From Vacuum Fluctuations, Nuclear Physics B, in press (2007); astro-ph/0610204


  • V.G.Gurzadyan and A.A.Kocharyan, Paradigms of the Large-Scale Universe, Gordon and Breach, London, 1994.
  • V.G.Gurzadyan and D.Pfenniger, Eds. Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol.430, Springer, 1994.
  • V.G.Gurzadyan and R.Ruffini, Eds. The Chaotic Universe, World Sci. 2000.
  • V.G.Gurzadyan and A.G.Sedrakian, Eds. From Integrable Models to Gauge Theories, Volume in Honor of Sergei Matinyan, World Sci. 2002
  • V.G.Gurzadyan, R.T.Jantzen and R.Ruffini, Eds. Proceed. IX Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 3 volumes, World Sci. 2002
  • V.G.Gurzadyan and R.Ruffini, Eds. Fermi e l'Astrofisica, Societa Italiana di Fisica, Bologna, 2004
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