Aharonian Felix |
"The Nature's perfectly designed Extreme Accelerators" |
Barkov Maxim |
"Particle acceleration and gamma-ray production in AGN initiated by the jet-star interactions" |
Jones Dave |
"Multi-wavelength surveys of the Galactic centre" |
Kafexhiu Ervin |
"Excitation and destruction of nuclei in hot astrophysical plasmas around black holes" |
Lefa Eva |
"Time-dependent modeling of the energy spectra of gamma-ray blazars" |
Prosekin Anto |
"Gamma-ray and neutrino signatures of sources of 1020 eV cosmic rays" |
Rieger Frank |
"Particle acceleration and gamma-ray production in the vicinity of supermassive black holes. The case of M87" |
Ruizhi Yang |
"The study of extended gamma-ray sources based on the FERMI LAT data" |
Ruffini Remo |
"GRBs and Supernovae: common conceptual issues" |
Baranov Andrej |
"On the pair-instability supernovae" |
Belvedere Riccardo |
"Mass, Radius and Moment of Inertia of Neutron Stars" |
Benedetti Alberto |
"On the frequency of plasma oscillations in the pair plasma generated by a strong electric field" |
Bianco Carlo Luciano |
"The canonical GRB scenario" |
Boshkayev Kuantay |
"On the minimum rotational period of fast rotating white dwarfs" |
Caito Letizia |
"The case of disguised short GRBs" |
Casolino Marco |
"Recent PAMELA measurements of proton and helium nuclei and cosmic ray acceleration in the galaxy" |
De Barros Gustavo |
"The case of GRB 050509B" |
Fleig Philipp |
"Developments of BKL work" |
Fraga Machado De Oliveira Bernardo |
"Cosmological Constraints on inos masses and quantum statistic" |
Han Wenbiao |
"Generation of electromagnetic field energy in gravitational collapses" |
Izzo Luca |
"on a Nova undergoing outburst" |
Liccardo Vincenzo |
"Focusing Gamma-rays with Laue lenses" |
Malheiro Manuel |
"SGRs and AXPs: Massive Rotating White Dwarfs versus Magnetares" |
Menegoni Eloisa |
"Cosmological Constraint on Fundamental Constants" |
Pandolfi Stefania |
"Theoretical Development toward the Planck mission" |
Penacchioni Ana V. |
"The case of Multiple GRBs" |
Pugliese Daniela |
"What do we learn about the Reissner-Nordstrom geometry ?" |
Rangel Lemos Juracy |
"Luminosity function of BATSE GRBs whose prompt emission is not dominated by the P-GRB" |
Rotondo Michael |
"On the Thomas-Fermi treatment of compressed atoms and nuclear matter cores of stellar dimensions" |
Rueda Jorge A. |
"The relativistic Feynman-Metropolis-Teller theory for white-dwarfs in general relativity" |
Sahakyan Narek |
"Gamma-rays from giant radio lobes of Centaurus A" |
Siutsou Ivan |
"Self Gravitating inos and constant surface density" |
Vereshchagin Gregory |
"Transparency of an extended relativistic shell along the line of sight and application to GRBs" |
Xue She-Sheng |
"A general relativistic Thomas-Fermi treatment of neutron star cores" |
Tavani Marco |
"On SNR RX 1713.7 - Discussion of particle acceleration in SNRs - Overview of galactic microquasars and focus on Cyg X-3 and Cyg X-1 - Big surprises from the Crab Nebula: variability and theory" |
Cardillo Martina |
"On SNR W44" |
Giuliani Andrea |
"Overview of AGILE data"
"On SNR W28" |
Piano Giovanni |
"Gamma-ray emission from the SNR Gamma Cygni: the AGILE results" |
Sabatini Sabina |
"Transient gamma-ray emission from the Microquasar Cygnus X-1" |
Vercellone Stefano |
"The brightest gamma-ray blazar: 3C 454.3 ('Crazy Diamond')" |