2010 Fall Meeting of the Korean Physical Society |
October 21st, 2010
9:00-11:00 Phoenix Park, 1095 Myeonon-Ri, Pyeongchang-Gun, Gangwon-do, Korea
For further information please visit this web page.
Talks by:
- Remo Ruffini: "Gamma Ray Bursts a frontier on White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black holes and fundamental Physics"
The observations of the SWIFT, FERMI, RT2 satellites as well observations from the ground by VLT are giving evidence for the discovery of the first two short GRBs as well process of multiple gravitational collapse. The latest progress on the theory and on the observational evidence will be presented
- Gabriele Gionti (Vatican Observatory)
- She-Sheng Xue: "Electron-position pair creation and oscillation in physics and astrophysics"
It is known that strong electric fields produce electron and positron pairs from the vacuum, and due to the back-reaction these pairs oscillate back and forth coherently with the alternating electric fields in time. We study this phenomenon in spatially inhomogeneous and bound electric fields by integrating the equations of energy-momentum and particle-number conservations and Maxwell equations. The space and time evolutions of the pair-induced electric field, electric charge- and current-densities are calculated. The results show that non-vanishing electric charge-density and the propagation of pair-induced electric fields, differently from the case of homogeneous and unbound electric fields. The space and time variations of pair-induced electric charges and currents emit an electromagnetic radiation. We obtain the narrow spectrum and intensity of this radiation, whose peak locates in the region around 4 KeV for electric field strength ~ E_c. We discuss their relevancies to both the laboratory experiments for electron and positron pair-productions and the astrophysical observations of compact stars with an electromagnetic structure
- Gregory Vereshchagin
October 22nd, 2010
Sogang University 1-1 Sinsoo-dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Korea 14:30-15:30
Public Lecture "MATTEO RICCI, GALILEO, XU GUANGQI: MESSENGERS OF THE EUROPEAN CULTURE IN THE EASTERN WORLD - Lecture on 400th anniversary of Matteo Ricci’s death" by Prof. Remo Ruffini.
Report of the Italian Embassy on the Conference