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Weekly Seminars for June 2007 Print E-mail

Monday 4th, 16.00
Seminars Room, ICRANet, Pescara

Speaker: Prof. Nino Panagia from Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA; INAF - Osservatorio di Catania, Catania, Italy; Supernova Ltd., Virgin Gorda, BVI

Title: SN 1987A: The Unusual Explosion of a Normal Type II Supernova

Abstract: I will review the unwrapping story the SN 1987A explosion event, and the main discoveries associated with it. I will show that, although this supernova is somewhat peculiar, the study of SN 1987A has clarified quite a number of important aspects of the nature and the properties of supernovae in general . 

Tuesday 5th, 16.00
Aula Conversi (Department of Physics, Ancient Building, 1st Floor)

Speaker: Prof. Michael Kramer Jodrell from Bank observatory, UK

Title: Recent results from the double pulsar

Abstract: The double pulsar system is a unique laboratory for gravitational physics and many areas of astrophysics. I will summarize the most important results for this system so far, and present some recent and new applications of the double pulsar. These include new and unique tests for the existence of violations of gravitational local Lorentz-invariance, as well as the importance of the double pulsar for our understanding of short Gamma-ray bursts. I will also present a forecast of future uses of this system and the physics testable with future pulsar-black hole systems.

Wednesday 6th, 14.00
Aula Conversi (Department of Physics, Ancient Building, 1st Floor)

Speaker: Prof. Nino Panagia from Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA; INAF - Osservatorio di Catania, Catania, Italy; Supernova Ltd., Virgin Gorda, BVI

Title: SN 1987A: The Unusual Explosion of a Normal Type II Supernova

Abstract: I will review the unwrapping story the SN 1987A explosion event, and the main discoveries associated with it. I will show that, although this supernova is somewhat peculiar, the study of SN 1987A has clarified quite a number of important aspects of the nature and the properties of supernovae in general.

Click here to download the slides from the presentation.

Wednesday 6th, 16.00
Aula Majorana (Department of Physics, Ancient Building, Ground Floor)

Speaker: Dr. Fulvio Zonca from ENEA, C.R. Frascati

Title: The Physics of Burning Plasmas in Toroidal Magnetic Field Devices

Abstract: Some of the crucial physics aspects of burning plasmas magnetically confined in toroidal systems are presented from the viewpoint of nonlinear dynamics. Particular emphasis is devoted to fluctuation induced transport processes of MeV energetic ions and charged fusion products as well as to energy and particle transports of the thermal plasma. Examples of the broader applications of fundamental problems to other fields of plasma physics and beyond are also given.



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