Yerevan Physics Institute
Alikhanian Brothers str.2, Yerevan 375036, Armenia
Born January 8, 1931, in Tbilissi, Georgia.
Education: Tbilissi State University, 1954, with
honors; candidate of phys.-math. sciences (PhD), Tbilissi State
University, 1958; Dr.Sci., Tbilissi State University, 1966;
Positions: Research Associate, Institute of
Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), 1956-57; Scientific
secretary, senior researcher, 1957-1966; head lab., Institute of
Physics, Tbilissi, 1966-1970; Professor, Tbilissi State University,
1959-1970; vice-director, head
of theoretical lab., Yerevan Physics Institute,
1970-1992; Professor, Yerevan State University, 1971-1993; Senior
research scientist, visiting professor, Duke University, from 1993.
Membership: Academy of Sciences of Armenia, from
1990; Presidium of Russian physical society, 1992-1994; Councils of
particles physics and cosmology (1989-1992), cosmic ray physics
(1979-1991) and synchrotron radiation (1981-1991) of Academy of
Sciences of USSR; Editorial board of Journal of Nuclear Physics,
Moscow; American Physical Society, from 1987.