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20th Steering Committee (2019)
ICRANet Coordinating Center, Pescara, February 5, 2019
- Amb. Ashot Kocharian (Representative of Armenia)
- Absent (Representative of Brazil)
- Dr. Antonio Bartolini (General Government Accountancy IGAE Uff. IX - Representative of Ministry of Economy)
- Absent (Representative of the Vatican City State)
- Prof. Carlo Luciano Bianco with the proxy of Prof. Remo Ruffini
(Representative of ICRA)
- Prof. SheSheng Xue with the proxy of Prof. Xiaohui Fan (Representative of the University of Arizona in Tucson)
- Prof. John Clark Mester Jr. with the proxy of Prof. C. W. Francis Everitt, Chairman (Representative of Stanford University)
- ICRANet Auditors:
Pres. Dr. Giovanni Coppola (Advisor, Italian Court of Auditors)
Cons. Dr. Giacinto Dammicco (Advisor, Italian Court of Auditors)
- As observers:
Dr. Aniello Francesco Izzo (Expert)
Dr. Piero Redolfi (Accounting Consultant)
Prof. Sandro Scandolo (ICTP)