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The Fourth Zeldovich virtual meeting - Confirmed invited speakers Print E-mail

Marika Asgari Marika Asgari
Royal Observatory Edinburgh, UK

Talk: "Weak lensing and the Kilo-Degree Survey"
Abhay Ashtekar Abhay Ashtekar
Institute for Gravitation & the Cosmos, Penn State University, USA

Talk: "Loop Quantum Cosmology"
Artem Burdanov Artem Burdanov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Talk: "Exploring the nearest ultra-cool dwarfs for terrestrial exoplanets"
Rong-Gen Cai Rong-Gen Cai
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Talk: "Gravitational waves from the early Universe"
Daniela Calzetti Daniela Calzetti
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Talk: "The astrophysical implications of the Starburst Attenuation Curve"
Jens Chluba Jens Chluba
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, UK

Talk: "CMB spectral distortions"
Alexander Dolgov Alexander Dolgov
Novosibirsk State University and ITEP, Russia

Talk: "Primordial black holes and modification of Zeldovich-Novikov mechanism"
Jaan Einasto Jaan Einasto
Tartu Observatory, Estonia

Talk: "The biasing phenomenon"
Katherine Freese Katherine Freese
University of Texas, Austin, USA

Talk: "Thoughts on what Dark Matter is (and what it isn’t) and how to Find it"
Chris Fryer Chris Fryer
Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA

Talk: "Supernova explosions"
Stefan Gillessen Stefan Gillessen
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany

Talk: "GRAVITY scientific results"
Luca Izzo Luca Izzo
DARK - Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark

Talk: "Recent progresses on the connection between GRBs and type-Ic broad-lined supernovae"
Joanna Kiryluk Joanna Kiryluk
Stony Brook University, USA

Talk: "High energy neutrinos - latest results from IceCube"
Claus Lämmerzahl Claus Lämmerzahl
ZARM, Germany

Talk: "Tests of general relativity"
Vladimir Lipunov Vladimir Lipunov
Moscow State University, Russia

Talk: "Central GRB Engine from Early Multimessanger observations"
Andrea Merloni Andrea Merloni
Max-Planck Institute fuer Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany

Talk: "Mapping the hot Universe: the first year of operations of eROSITA on SRG"
Felix Mirabel Felix Mirabel
CEA Saclay, France

Talk: "Black holes in the universe"
Razmik Mirzoyan Razmik Mirzoyan
Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany

Talk: "On the Recent Detections of GRBs at TeraelectronVolt Energies"
Slava Mukhanov Slava Mukhanov
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

Talk: "The final state of nonsigular evaporating black hole"
Piero Rosati Piero Rosati
University of Ferrara, Italy

Talk: "Cosmography and tests of the LCDM paradigm with high-precision strong lensing modelling of galaxy clusters"
Jorge Rueda Jorge Rueda
ICRANet, Italy

Talk: "An update of the binary-driven hypernova scenario"
Remo Ruffini Remo Ruffini
ICRANet, Italy

Talk: "The discovery of the moment of formation of the black hole in GRB 190114C"
Nikolay Shakura Nikolay Shakura
Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University, Russia

Talk: "On the nature of 35-day cycle in Her X1/HZ Her"
Joseph Silk Joseph Silk

Talk: "The Future of Cosmolgy"
Ignas Snellen Ignas Snellen
University of Leiden, Netherlands

Talk: "Exoplanets and the search for extraterretrial life"
Dmitry Sokoloff Dmitry Sokoloff
Moscow State University, Russia

Talk: "Dynamo in accretion discs"
Alexey Starobinsky Alexey Starobinsky
Landau institute for theoretical physics, RAS, Russia

Talk: "Inflation"
Rashid Sunyaev Rashid Sunyaev
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany

Talk: "Results of SRG Orbital Observatory with eRosita and ART-XC X-Ray telescopes aboard"
Amaury Triaud Amaury Triaud
University of Birmingham, UK

Talk: "Exoplanet atmospheres"
Ye-Fei Yuan Ye-Fei Yuan
Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China, China

Talk: "Probes of strong gravity: SgrA* and M87*"
Shuang Nan Zhang Shuang Nan Zhang
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Talk: "The Insight-HXMT mission: China's first X-ray astronomy mission"
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