Wednesday 2nd July 2008
Università "La Sapienza" Roma - Sala Direzionale INFN (2° piano Dip. Fisica V.E.)
Speaker: Dr. Donato Bini from Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone", CNR Roma
Title: Extended Bodies in General Relativity: the Quadrupole Approximation
Abstract: Applications of Dixon's model for the motion of extended bodies in general relativity up to the quadrupole moment will be considered for the Schwarzschild, Kerr and gravitational plane wave spacetimes. Comparison of the Dixon and Papapetrou models will be made.
Presentation: PDF
Wednesday 2nd July 2008
Università "La Sapienza" Roma - Aula 5 (Dip. Fisica Ed. Fermi)
Speaker: Dr. Marco Nardini from SISSA Trieste
Title: The puzzling clustering and bimodality of long GRBs optical afterglow luminosities
Abstract: The clustering and the bimodality observed in pre-Swift long GRBs optical luminosity distribution can now be fully confirmed by adding the events observed by swift. These results are not due to obvious observational selection effects and their nature is still unclear. A comparison between optical, X-rays and Gamma rest frame characteristics can open the door to alternative theoretical models.
Tuesday 24th July 2008 - 17:00
Università "La Sapienza" Roma - Sala Direzione INFN (2° piano Dip. Fisica Ed. Marconi)
Speaker: Dr. Ettore Dal Monte
Institution: IASF (Ist. di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica) - INAF (Ist. Naz. di Astrofisica c/o CNR Area di Ricerca di Roma Tor Vergata)
Title: One year of Gamma Ray Bursts observation with AGILE
Abstract: AGILE is a small satellite-borne mission of ASI, launched on 23 April 2007. The AGILE payload includes the Gamma Ray Imaging Detector, with EGRET-like sensitivity in 30 MeV - 50 GeV, and SuperAGILE, wide field monitor with 18 - 60 keV energy range. Gamma Ray Bursts are among the most important scientific objectives of AGILE, that is equipped with on-board trigger and localization systems. In this presentation I will describe the AGILE observation of GRBs during the first year in orbit
Presentation: PDF